Work at home moms, or WAHMs for short, have hectic days. Not only do they need to stay professional and productive in their careers, but they also have responsibilities in their role as a mother. As if managing a business wasn’t stressful enough, you also need to look after your baby – at the same time! The truth is that without a little help, you can’t cope. There is too much to do! Babies require constant attention, and for new mothers, it can be tricky to figure out the right balance of work and motherhood. Besides, without preliminary experience, how are you to know what your baby needs and wants? But don’t worry. You’re not on your own.
#1. You need a stain-resistant flooring solution
Don’t believe movies that depict babies are the sweetest and most gorgeous little creatures. Of course, you love your baby more than anything else in the world. But if there’s one thing that movies always get wrong is the fact that nothing stays spotless and pretty with a young baby. Indeed, your baby is going to spit milk – which is the equivalent of vomiting – despite your best efforts to get the infamous digestive burp. Babies move a lot, and you’ll soon notice that they can be incredibly wiggly when you’re trying to get them dressed or to change their nappies. In short, your carpet will go through a lot. If you don’t want to worry about removing new stains every day, you should consider appropriate flooring solutions, such as a stain-free carpet, for instance. Tiles and hardwood floors are also elegant alternatives.
#2 What is my child doing?
You can’t work with your baby in the home office, especially if you want to be able to take calls peacefully. So there is a moment when you’re getting on with your tasks while the house is quiet. Every mother needs to check on her child, especially when she can’t hear what is going on. But you can’t realistically manage a business if you spend most of the time running into the nursery room. That’s where you need a smart wireless system that lets you monitor your baby without leaving the room.
#3. How am I going to keep track of everything?
When was the last time you fed your baby? Did you remember to buy new nappies? If you don’t know, you’re not on your own. Hundreds of mommies struggle to keep track of everything. But you can find listing and tracking apps such as these to make sure you’ve got your day sorted. It’s a good idea as well to use lists for recurring tasks so that you can tick each feeding time. More importantly, it avoids the typical baby brain, which can lead to forgetfulness!
#4. A support group on call
Last but not least, a mommy needs emotional support. It’s never easy to deal with a new situation, and having a baby is an emotional roller coaster. But if you’ve joined a prenatal group, you can stay in touch with other mothers and discuss your issues or exchange tips. You can even find supportive communities on your favorite social media platforms.
The thing about motherhood is that it’s a challenge of every day. There will be good times, and there will be hard times. But making your life easier with simple tricks can help you to handle the harder days better.