Autism is a complex diagnosis, and has a wide spectrum of symptoms. From my experience with my oldest son, speech, occupational, and behavioral therapies have helped him overcome many challenges he faces every day. For us, autism is our daily life. We live it and work through many of our challenges through Applied Behavioral Therapy. This has helped our family and son tremendously. Because my son also suffers from ADHD, ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) medication was not an option for us. we wanted to consider other resources before turning to medication to help him. ABA Therapy taught me to redirect his behaviors and turn negative behaviors into positives. Here are some tips on how each therapy has helped my son and I become a better team during each transition in his life.
Speech Therapy
I think we tend to take advantage of the importance of speech. We use it in every aspect of our lives. We are constantly using language and speech patterns to communicate with people around us. When I realized, my son was struggling with his speech, it was difficult to take in. I knew he had trouble putting simple sentences together, along with communicating his needs to me and his father. Once he began speech therapy we worked on different goals to help him communicate with us. some of these things were pragmatics, body language, and one-two step directions. His vocabulary is outstanding, but now he’s able to recognize his feelings and communicate them to us. It’s been an amazing resource for all of us, and the journey continues as he is still progressing in speech therapy.
Occupational Therapy
I never understood the importance of occupational therapy until my son needed it. His fine motor skills were severely delayed and today he still struggles with many motor developments. In OT, they teach him to master these things he struggles with, along with helping him focus in other areas as well. Today he is working on learning to tie his shoes, hold a pencil/pen in proper form, along with using a weighted vest to help him sit and concentrate for at least 10 minutes at a time; (which I am proud to say he mastered in his second quarter of school). I am so lucky to have a wonderful occupational therapist who sees all my son’s strengths and helps bring all his talents out.
ABA Therapy
ABA therapy is heaven sent! Understanding behaviors and where they come from is so important, not just for the autistic child, but for all children. Most of the time behaviors come from needing or wanting attention. Once we place that negative attention on a child they will act on that impulse to continue that behavior. Redirecting them is so crucial for their growth and to work through their emotions and challenges. I have learned so much as an autism mom through ABA, it’s made me a stronger person. Unfortunately, this service can be very expensive so do your research and confirm that your insurance covers this service.
I hope this gives you a better understanding on what therapy is and maybe help you if you’re struggling finding services for your kiddo. There are many helpful sites to offer support and tools for your journey through autism or ADHD. You can find some of the links below. Thanks for stopping by and let me know if you have any questions or need any advice. It takes a village to support one another.