I recently read an article about the regrets of being a Stay-At-Home-Mom. The article was posted on Huffington Post and was actually posted by a mom, immediately seeing the title, I wanted to hate it and hate her at the same time. In reality, She wrote this as a reflection of her experience over the years, it was really interesting to see her point of view of being a Stay-At-Home-Mom (SAHM) and how she had regrets about the decision and the negative impact it had in her life. It was a very honest piece of work, I mean to really sit down, reflect, and honestly tell yourself you have regrets, is deep. Many people cannot or will not admit that to themselves let alone to millions of people. On the internet. I really wanted to share this because I understand how hard it is to be a mother let alone a Stay-at-home-mom. It’s so demanding and oftentimes overwhelming. I also wanted to share my personal reflection of all the reasons I love being a stay-at-home-mom. My experience in my life thus far is that you have to be content NOW because if your miserable in your decisions, life is still going to pass you by regardless of how you feel. Here are a few reasons why I love being a Stay-at-home-mom.
First of all, This article really allowed me to reflect on my own life and decisions I have made for myself and my family. After reading the post, I felt overwhelmed, sad, disappointed, and ultimately wondering if eventually I will become “outdated”, or feel the way she did years later. I think naturally we all have regrets in life, but I can honestly say that being at home with my kids has made me a better person and I can sit back and say, “WOW! That was the best decision I ever made”. My kids after my husband and God, are the most important people in my life. I treasure my moments with them, because life is short, and I am blessed to be home with them watching them grow and learn is my truly my life’s pleasure. I can’t tell the future, because I can’t. But I only hope that as time passes and my kids grow that I will remain content with the decisions I have made as a mom. Ultimately, this article made me think that sometimes we have to make decisions that we are not happy with due to circumstances, but for me personally I never knew my true calling as a person/woman until I had kids. Staying at home helped me unlock a passion I never thought I had. Something I never imagined doing. I also have had the privilege of enhancing my son’s early childhood education here at home. It’s been an amazing experience full of many emotions that are way too many to list. So this post actually made me realize just how lucky I am to feel the way I do about my job as A Stay-At-Home-Mom.
Being a SAHM was a decision my husband and I made based on many different factors. From childcare and the financing that comes with it and to teaching and guiding our kids in the direction we felt was best. It has been the most difficult job I’ve ever had, full of never ending days and nights but, I can honestly say that this is the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. I can only hope throughout my journey as a mom that I can continue to share positive stories with other moms out there. It’s a tough job and it comes with many sacrifices and tons of dedication. Ultimately you have to be happy with the choices you made/make, and continue to thrive as a stay-at-home-mom. You can still be fabulous, educated, and have goals while raising a family. The sky is the limit, just remember to enjoy the rides along the way.
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Here’s the article if you want to check it out 🙂 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/grown-and-flown/why-i-regret-being-a-stay-at-home-mom_b_3402691.html