Children don’t have to cost a fortune, but there are some essential purchases you will need to make before welcoming your baby home. According to the U.S Department of Agriculture’s ‘Expenditures on Children by Families’ report in 2013, the cost of raising a child until the age of 17 years is $245,340. Now this seems like an awful lot of money, but there are ways to cut back and spend sensibly. Children are affordable for nearly everyone, as they are brought up within your own ways and means of living. Here are the basic essentials you will need to ensure you have before bringing your baby home.

preparing for a baby
Although it may be tempting, you don’t need a full wardrobe of outfits ready before your baby is born. A few of the basics, such as long-sleeved onesies, cotton pants, tops, pyjamas, bibs and socks are fine. Children grow out of their clothes so quickly, make sure you have a couple in each size. Some babies don’t fit in newborn at all and others go straight up to 0-3 months immediately.
Your baby is going to need his own place to sleep. A moses basket or crib is essential for the first few months, moving on to a cot or cotbed. You can put your baby straight into a cot and avoid purchasing a moses basket. But, these cannot be moved around the house, so naptimes will take place in their own bedroom. The Lullaby Trust advises that the safest place for your baby to sleep is in his own bed, on his back, so either are essential to buy.
Newborn babies don’t have a lot of need for toys and playthings. But as they grow, toys become essential in their exploration and development. None of these need to be expensive, and they don’t need lots of items. But a few colourful toys will stimulate their minds and distract them for a few precious moments. Many people also buy interactive DVD’s which will work in a similar way.
You’re going to need to get out with your baby, in a safe way. Prams and pushchairs are crucial in making your life easier. Some designer brands are becoming more and more expensive, but you only need a strong and reliable model with plenty of space for your and your baby’s things. A car seat is also a must now, with baby’s now required to travel in a rear-facing car seat. A solid review of the Graco Contender 65 convertible car seat proves it a dependable investment. But look around and take time before you make your selection.
It is advised that you have some savings to fall back on in case of hard times. Bringing your new baby home is an excitement time, and you want to enjoy it as much as possible. Do all you can before the birth to ensure there are as little financial worries as possible. You will need enough funds to cover your maternity leave and possible childcare if you decide to go back to work. Some people also start a savings account for their baby, so when they come of age there is a trust fund available to them.