Whether you’re visiting a new destination or reuniting with family, a road trip is a fantastic experience. It’s a chance for your family to bond and adds some spontaneity and excitement to your lives. Yet just the thought of taking a baby on a long road trip is enough to fill many parents with dread. It’s easy to imagine continual screaming, endless traffic jams and difficult diaper changing scenarios. This fear is enough to put many parents off until their child gets a little older. This is unfortunate as a road trip is something that you and your baby can both benefit from.
So despite what you might think, your baby’s first road trip doesn’t have to be such a terrifying prospect. Take a look at these road trip survival tips to make it stress-free and, more importantly, fun.

preparing for baby’s first road trip
Get the car seat right
One of your top priorities when planning your road trip is to ensure that your baby’s car seat is safe and comfortable. The last thing you want is to have an uncomfortable baby crying for the entirety of your trip. You also don’t want to be constantly worrying that your baby is in danger while in your car. Road trips require a lot of sitting, this is unavoidable. But you can make your baby feel more comfortable throughout by investing in a top quality car seat. Car seats are an essential item that your baby can quickly grow too big for. Putting your baby in a seat that is too small for them will only add to their discomfort. So even if you have one already, check to make sure it is a suitable fit. Read detailed online reviews on different styles of car seat, paying close attention to the size, safety features and comfort. You could also check out the best-selling travel system by Britax, called the B-Agile 3 B-Safe 35. These travel systems combine a car seat with a stroller, which could potentially save you valuable space in your car.
Alternatively, you could visit a baby retailer to see what their best selling car seat products are. Ask about the pros and cons of each seat and for advice on infant car safety. To put your mind at ease, it can be worthwhile to have your new car seat fitted by a professional before you leave.

Packing the car for baby’s first road trip
Pack the night before
Now you have your car seat in place; it’s time to start packing up your vehicle. It’s no secret that babies need a lot of stuff, so it’s best to do this the night before you set off. This might seem like a lot of effort, but it can save you lots of time and stress. In the week leading up to your departure, start making lists of items you need to buy and pack. This will make you feel more in control and prevent you from forgetting anything. You can find extensive road trip packing templates online if you need help getting started.
When it comes to your baby, buy extra diapers, baby wipes and anything else you deem essential. The last thing you want is to run out when you’re on the road. You should also consider what books, toys, and snacks you can take on your trip. Once you have everything you need, clean out any unnecessary items from you car to make plenty of room. Make sure all of your baby’s essential items are kept in a bag that is within your reach. Putting these items in the trunk could mean you have to stop and start more than you need to.
You might also want to ensure your baby has some form of entertainment which they can access easily while you drive. You could place a basket of toys next to their car seat or hang some from the roof using ribbons. Now is also the opportunity to install safety mirrors, stock up your cooler box and prepare your travel wear. This tip applies to your journey to and from your destination.

mommy and baby preparing for a road trip
Be flexible
No matter how organized you are, your road trip can easily get disrupted and altered when traveling with your baby. The best survival tip you can use is to make your road trip plans as flexible as possible. Decide which route you want to take to your destination but also have a backup planned too. Traffic jams are not fun with a grouchy baby, so stay up to date by listening to the radio or by checking traffic apps. This will give you the chance to plan ahead and take your alternate route if you need to. When you’re sticking to a tight schedule it can be hard to be flexible. So instead of racing to your destination, give yourself plenty of time to get there. This will make your journey safer and far less stressful. Factor in time for breaks along the way, because you never know when you might need them. Your baby could get sick or feel hungry which will most likely result in a screaming fit. Look for attractions along your intended route where you can both spend time away from your car. There could be parks, cafes or restaurants you can visit.
It can be tempting to ignore your baby’s cries when you’re eager to get there. But taking breaks will put you both in a more positive mood, making your road trip more pleasant. A screaming baby can also be a big distraction which could take your attention away from the road. So even though you might be stopping a lot, it’s better to do this than put your family at risk. Having adaptable plans could also help you discover new destinations that could make your trip more memorable.
Hopefully, the tips in this guide will have inspired you to start planning your baby’s first road trip. There’s no denying that you might face some unavoidable issues along the way. But the more prepared you are, the less stressed you will be should they occur. Focus on keeping your baby safe and happy and make some memories that will last a lifetime.