Finding out your child has a serious illness or has been severely injured can be an incredibly difficult time. Your emotions will be all over the place, and the impact can affect your entire family and social network. As a parent, you will be stressed, feel helpless, and have serious worries about the future for your child. However, there are a few things you can try to help deal with the intense feelings, and we’re going to go through a few of the coping strategies you can employ today. Let’s get started with some of the basics – read on to find out more.
Focus on your child
Ultimately, your child will be the focus of all your attention, and it’s important to put them first, of course. Hospitals and medical environments can be incredibly scary for children at the best of times, let alone when they are in acute discomfort, pain, or are feeling ill. And, while you might be feeling scared about the outcome, you need to be there for your child, and try and put a brave face on – it can make a difference and reassure them they are safe.
Watch out for signs of trauma
Traumatic incidents can leave severe mental scars on everyone involved – including you. It’s important that you are able to recognize some of these warning signs, as the impact can be significant and grip you for many years without resolving them. If you are experiencing avoidance, reliving a traumatic event, or are feeling anxious or jumpy, it’s likely that you may need some help. Don’t forget, if you want to be there for your child, it’s important to be as fit and healthy as possible – you will be able to perform your parental duties much better if you look after yourself.
Seek knowledge
Coping with a chronic illness or life-changing injury as a parent can be incredibly difficult. But the more you know about symptoms and impacts, the better. You will find there is a lot of information on almost every type of injury or illness as you can imagine, and your doctor will be able to point you in the right direction. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and look at joining some support groups. These groups and communities will be invaluable to you as you attempt to get to grips with the aftermath of an accident or illness to your child.
Seek justice
Has your child’s illness or injury been caused by someone else? You might think that in the event of an accident that is someone else’s fault, compensation claims should be a straightforward process. But according to, there are many stumbling blocks. The legal team and insurance companies will fight tooth and nail to minimize any payout and try to avoid responsibility for their actions. And regardless of how emotional or compelling your argument, the simple fact is that the opposite team will do everything in their power to limit their damages. It is vital that you find a lawyer to help with your case, to ensure you and your family get the financial compensation and help you deserve.
Be honest
It might be tempting for parents to hide the facts away from their children. But kids are savvier than you might think, and will often be able to tell that you are keeping things from them. It is much better for your outcome to be open and honest, and discuss the issues at hand in a way that your child understands. If for example, you keep details of pain problems hidden away from them, your child will hold it against you when they experience those problems. Ultimately, if kids aren’t prepared, their imaginations can often run wild – and they will tend to start thinking the worst.
Avoid overprotection
In the long-term, there may be certain activities that your child can and cannot do because of their illness or injury. Be clear about these boundaries, but, as pointed out at, don’t try and overprotect them. You don’t want your kids to miss out on anything in life that is good for healthy development and that other children enjoy as much as possible. You should also involve your children with decision-making at an early stage. It’s important to give them some feeling of control, as it will help them become more independent, grow, and start taking personal responsibility.
Nothing can prepare you adequately for the horrendous experience of seeing your child experience pain and suffering. But, these ideas should help you give the right support, and help your child overcome many of their issues.