Today my daughter is one! I know, where did the time go? It’s been such an amazing first year with her the love in my heart has expanded and I love her so much. The bond between mother and daughter is something so special and I didn’t know it until now. I have had the pleasure to watch her grow and learn new things, and I am looking forward to many more years to come. She is such an amazing little girl full of energy, she’s so happy all the time and is such a joy to have around. Although this year has been full of challenges raising a toddler and infant so close in age, It’s also been an amazing experience for me. I never knew how strong of a woman I was until now, it takes so much out of you to be there for them, waking up at night, breastfeeding, potty training and everything else that comes with it. Now as my daughter is close to turning one, I feel like I finally have a schedule down that works for everyone. My son is a great big brother, he helps me and he cannot wait for her to walk so they can play. It’s a great feeling as a mother to see them grow and laugh together. Siblings are so important and I am so happy my kids get to share that bond. Here is what I learned my first year as a second time mommy.
With the second child comes experience. I have heard many people say, “The first child is the Guinea Pig” and even though I never thought it was true, it really is. When you’re a first time mom, you just don’t know what to expect or what to do. You learn as you go, there isn’t a manual or guide to follow. As soon as you take the baby home the nurses do not come with you. With my daughter I knew what to do as soon as she was born and when I brought her home. Everything was a lot easier the second time around, experience wise. Of course there were other challenges, like balancing the two kids, making sure I was spending enough time with my son so he didn’t feel left out. I also found myself to be more patient with my daughter, with my son I was so exhausted that I couldn’t think and I was very irritable. Waking up the second time around wasn’t as bad as I remember the first time.
So what’s my advice here? Having two little ones is all about balance, you need to make time for both kids. So how do I do it? Well basically I got a schedule down and had a goal and idea of what I wanted for my household and kids, it’s pretty easy but it takes time to get it down, (at least it did for me). Everything I did with my daughter was completely different from what I did with my son because I knew what to expect, I don’t have to call the doctor for every little cough or sneeze. It’s a great because I feel so confident as a mother now, I feel like I grew and matured as a mom overnight and it’s awesome. Now I see my son growing and wanting to help and be included in whatever I am doing. It’s great to see him eager to help me, and I try my best to encourage him as often as possible to do things around the house or for his little sister. I’ve learned so much about myself over the last year, and I would like to tap myself on the back because I managed and both my kids are alive and well 🙂 So don’t be discouraged mommies, you can do it too! It just takes a fine balance and time to learn and everything else will fall into place.
Thanks for stopping by, and remember to share my blog with other mommies. We have to use each others’ experiences and stories because motherhood is a journey, us women/mommies have to stick together so we can strive mommy success!