How you can handle overwhelming Advice without stressing out or being rude. I remember being so nervous and worried with my first born, I would call the doctor for any little cough or sneeze that didn’t sound normal. Some called me crazy, I called it normal. I think that with the first one we have no idea what we are doing, in most cases we have read the baby books, took the classes, and did the research but still are not sure what to expect when the baby is in our arms and homes. It’s tough. When I received unwanted advice or negative comments I would over think things and go against my gut feeling. You know that feeling? When you’re not sure if what you’re doing is right or not? That’s what I would do I would totally second guess myself. Don’t do that! Always take charge and know yourself and your baby, (even if you’re not really sure, pretend you do).
New mom or repeat mom, we are already overwhelmed but we understand people really want to help us, however it can sometimes sound negative and make you doubt yourself. If you feel that friends and family are only trying to help and coming from a sincere place, try to listen and not take things so personally. Sometimes we are just emotional after giving birth and it’s easy to be sensitive. Sometimes the advice is helpful and we end up using it at some point. I remember someone telling me (not sure who) that if you do a lot of work before you nurse than your milk can sour. So with my first baby I pretty much did nothing LOL! Then I heard someone tell me that if you drink water before nursing it makes it a cooler temperature, because who wants to drink hot milk? I was overwhelmed so I turned to my pediatrician. Who told me that you can still clean and cook and keep your routine, just keep hydrated in between activities. Basically If you’re unsure of something when it comes to you or your baby, the second best person to ask is his or her pediatrician. They will answer your questions and point you in the right direction. Now we have things like the internet where we can get tips and tools we need at the palm of our hand. As a second parent I have had friends and family come to me for some advice, I guess when you have been through it you experience things differently. Just remember if you’re a second timer not to be so tough on the first timers, we were once there. Let’s help them and guide them when they ask. We’re women and moms we have to stick together! 🙂
Not taking or listening to outsiders advice is OK. If it’s negative you can listen and ignore it, or say something to them in a polite way (Or not, HA). Either way it’s your baby, you’re the parent and you know what is best for them. It’s a learning process and you are not going to understand everything overnight, it’s taken me three years and I’m still learning.
Thanks for stopping by and remember to share my blog with other mommies out there. Together we can keep striving for mommy success, one woman at a time! 🙂