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Don’t Deprive Yourself of Sleep

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As a parent you get used to making a few sacrifices. It comes with the job. You don’t even mind being the cook, cleaner, taxi, tear wiper, hugger and even the disciplinarian. These might eat into your down time, but a mom can pretty much deal with anything except a lack of sleep. That’s where we draw the line or at least we should do. If you have ever had that exhausted drained and empty feeling then the chances are you are staying up too late. Or you could be getting up too early and just simply not getting enough sleep. Here are some ways to play catch up.
Keep children out of your bed.
This one can be a real pain once you start to weaken. It might seem like a good idea to let a little one slip into your bed on a bad night. But you have to insist that they go back to sleeping in their own space. Otherwise you’ll face a long list of nights as little ones trot into your room habitually. It’s an easy habit to slip into but a hard one to break. There’s nothing for it but to take them back and make them stay there.

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Grab a cat nap.
It’s a power nap for the guys and executives but research tells us that 20 -30 minutes cat napping is actually good for you. Cat naps boost your brain power, increase your memory and surprise surprise, improve your mood. They also lower your blood pressure and reduce levels of stress hormones in the body. Do you have a little one who is still benefiting from a daytime sleep? Well why not join them for a bit, rather than trying to set the world to rights while they’re sleeping.
You’ll benefit from a few essential accessories. An eye mask could help shut out the light and what cat nap would be complete without vellux blankets to keep you snug and cosy? Try not to go beyond the thirty minute mark otherwise you’ll run the risk of just waking up all drowsy. Seriously though, even five or ten minutes can be really refreshing.
Make yourself more comfortable in bed
A surprising number of people are not getting a good quality of sleep. They may have aches and pains or are too hot or just struggle to get to sleep in the first place. If this is you, then it could be that mattress and your bed are in need of replacement. The same applies to your pillow. If matress and pillow are not supporting your spine you could be in for an uncomfortable night tossing and turning. Other reasons for passing a bad night include being too hot or cold, or being disturbed by light or noise. Eating too late and drinking alcohol won’t help you sleep too well either! Opt for a soothing chamomile tea instead.
Catch up with some sleep and you might start to feel human again. You might even find yourself a more tolerant capable and rejuvenated Mom. That has to be good for everyone in the family, especially you.