Let face it, keeping the family fit and healthy, can seem like an uphill struggle sometimes. Feeding them right and making sure that everyone gets enough exercise can be such a pain. But it needn’t be so hard. In fact, if you pick the right activities to do, the family will be asking you when their next fitness sessions are! Read on to find out more.
Let’s play ball!
When you are trying to motivate kids to exercise, it best to stay away from the more traditional activities such as running around the block. For one these aren’t always appropriate for the little ones, and they can seem a little intimidating as well.
Instead, the focus should really be on fun, with the activity just being part of that. This is the way to establish a positive connection between getting them to move around more and having a good time.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to set up some competitive ball games within your own household or neighborhood. Things like basketball, baseball or football are a great way of getting the kids up and about. Also, they get so into the competition element, that they will forget all about how many times they have run up and down the court, pitch or field.
Another easy way of getting the whole family doing some exercise it to organize cycling trips out. These can be over a shorter distance to somewhere in your local area, such as a park. Or you can strap the bikes to the back of the SUV and head on into the country for some longer routes.
The combination of seeing new scenery and getting there under their own steam is very appealing to a lot of people. It also helps to change the focus from the physical activity to the fun they can get out of it instead.
Now, why doesn’t like trampolining? This is a brilliant physically activity as it uses up calories, but also allows the whole family to work on their balance and coordination as well.
Trampolining is so much fun that many people already have them in their own back yards as toys. But you can make them into a more thorough but fun workout by setting specific challenge like forward, or backwards rolls. Or you can even visit trampoline centers where there are a lot of different ones to play on.
Something else that is a wonderful activity that will make everyone forget about how hard they are actually working is dance. Dancing can be done by any type of person and any age.
You can dance at home if you like, or at parties or even in a club. You can even try a Zumba dance class in the gym if you like. These can work especially well for families, as there are child level ones available, as well as one for the grown ups.
Or if they aren’t quite ready for a class yet, there are plenty of kids TV shows that includes a dancing segment as well. These will get the little ones up and exercising, while having the time of their lives.